The David Daley Fund
A Chosen Magazine Bulletin
Entropy is the inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society. Modern society is rife with unspeakable misfortune and violence, events that frequently question the morality of humanity. It is easy to become pessimistic and self centered when faced with such calamity. However, as seen in many recent national tragedies, people often tend to band together in times of adversity. A remarkable sense of empathy and compassion seems to be rooted in our DNA. The ability to be of service to others is a privilage of the human condition. This week, the opportunity for selflessness hits close to home.
The following is an excerpt from GiveForward and The David Daley fund:
“Please help David Daley pay for medical bills and other costs associated with his rehabilitation after he was struck by a car. On the evening of June 8th, 2013, David Daley was crossing 12th Avenue on Pine Street. He was struck by a car that was traveling approximately 20 MPH. David was thrown over the car and landed on the street. He was immediately taken to Harborview Emergency Center and treated for numerous critical injuries. At the time this fundraiser was created the following was known about David's condition; he has a shattered elbow that will require surgery to reconstruct, a fractured vertebrae in his neck, bleeding in the brain, and other various cuts, gashes, and bruises. It is currently unknown how David's medical bills will be covered, if at all. Negligence has not been established between all parties involved, however the police are involved and have interviewed the driver and other witnesses. David is a hairstylist and will be out of work for a long time since his elbow will need reconstruction and recovery. Many have asked what they can do to help out ... unfortunately with all the pain and physical damage that he is enduring a recurring stress for David has been his financial future. Cost for medical bills, cost for medication, his loss of income while he is recovering, etc. If you could help by donating anything you can that would help ease the burden for David, a man that is loved by many in the Seattle Gay community. Thank you for your time.”
Donations can be made at Give Forward - The David Daley Project